Configuring rules

Some classes can be configured to fit your indiviual needs. There was no Fred Flinstone, who carved the max title-Tag length in stone. And some might argue, that a maximum meta description length of 100 characters is an absolute SEM requirement, while others think, maybe 120 characters could do also in most search engines.
So there is obiously the need to configure some checks, because it is not always true, that one-size-fits-all.

Configuring an existing rule is. As aylways: Lets dive into the "code"


            uri: pics/image.png
            - HttpHeaderResourceFound
            - HttpHeaderHasFarFutureExpiresHeader:
                threshold: 604800


As you can see, the second rule in this specific section finishes with a colon. This lets Kickoff know, that you whish to enhance the existing rule. In the next line, you see the configuration itself. It is a simple key-value-pair.

The configurable variable is usually found in the rules documentation.